Sunday, April 8, 2012

All Around The Yard Obstacle Course

This is a fun game for everyone to play!

-  First you take different things, such as couch cushions, blankets, chairs, tables, yarn, sprinklers, clothes lines, and whatever else you can think of to take outside and set up an obstacle. then decide together what to do on each obstacle. sit ups or push ups or silly poses or jumping jacks or whatever you can think of at the time to do. Then make a way to come back.

after you have the order figured out split up into 2 groups.

the first two people will go at the same time and then when they are done going through the obstacle as fast as they can they slap the next persons hand in line  and they do the obstacle course!

The first team to finish wins!

You can also do this inside if you have a large area to play and if that is what you desire.

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