Here are 50 ways to keep kids active this winter!
Here I
have included both indoor and outdoor activities. I focused more on the
indoor activities tough just because I know how easy it is to want to
stay inside.
Indoor Winter Activities- Even on the days you don't want to bundle up and bear the cold you can still stay active!
~ Have a dance party-
crank up the music and get moving. Move the furniture around so you
have a large open space. March, stomp, twirl, jump, and hop. Get out
some fun musical instruments. Join in and have fun!
~ Have hallway races-
let your little ones and/or their friends race down the hallway. Make
it even more fun and tape up a piece of party streamer for them to bust
~ Bring outdoor toys that keep kids active inside- think jump ropes, balls, push toys, hula hoops, small toy cars, and even small portable sliding boards. We have our slide set up in our living room and Rosie and Jewel love it.
~ Head to the mall-
walk around the mall. Window shop. Take the stairs. Talk about all
the things you see as you peruse. Walk it twice and play eye spy as you
go along. We love going to the mall (except in December- no thank
~ Visit an indoor rock climbing facility (if your children are old enough that is- I am excited for when Rosie and Jewel are)
~ Exercise together- do jumping jacks or push ups, run in place, or try sit ups
~ Play Simon Says and make it as active as possible
~ Have an indoor snowball fight- simply crumble up pieces of paper or buy a fun snowball fight kit like this one from Personal Creations
~ Let little ones jump from cushion to cushion- Pull the cushions off the couch and tell them the floor is lava and that they can't touch it.
~ Make a pillow pile and let them jump into it- make sure you have enough pillows to make this safe and be sure to closely supervise
~ Create a fun indoor obstacle course- we are working on making one and will be sharing it soon. Stay tuned!
~ Purchase an inexpensive tunnel for your little ones to crawl through- my girls love theirs
~ Make or purchase a bean bag toss game- I love this one from Dirt and Boogers
~ Get an indoor basketball hoop that is suitable for the age of your child if you have the space and don't mind your little ones playing with balls inside We have this one
on our Christmas list
It is just the right size for my girls and the base can be weighted with sand!
~ Make or purchase an indoor bowling game
~ Go up and down the stairs-
my girls love to climb up and down the stairs! LOVE it! As long as
you are right behind them, why not let them indulge in the stairs? It
is a simple way to get a little activity.
~ Have an indoor scavenger hunt
~ Interactive video games- if you are going to let your little ones play video games why not make them active? We have a Wii Fit
we haven't used in quite a while. With Winter fast approaching it is
definitely time to dust it off and see what games they have for Rosie's
age level.
~A small indoor trampoline -
this is also on our Christmas wish list! We have an alphabet play mat
that isn't being used right now that we could put under
the trampoline to prevent injuries and give the girls a safe place to
~ Go on a bear hunt- foster
imaginative play and send your kids on a hunt around the house. Make
it a bear hunt or have them hunt for another favorite animal. Make it even better and actually hide a bear or animal somewhere in the home and help them find it.
~ Play hop scotch inside- use tape to make the hop scotch board
~ Make a road for cars using masking tape like this one from Hands on: as we grow
~ Make some Get Up & Move Dice- we play with ours inside all the time! Rosie loves them and Jewel loves copying Rosie.

~ Create an indoor ice rink- polish the floor with Mr.Sheen or another similar product and let the kids go "ice skating" using socks as their skates
~ Create a friendly competitive game between siblings or friends- who can do the most jumping jacks without stopping? Who can jump higher?
~ Play active games like Twister or Charades as opposed to board games that keep you sitting.
Indoor Activities that are Outside the Home- while
you may not want to be outside you still may want to get out of the
house. Here are some warm out of the house ways to stay active!
~ Visit a local indoor pool- we belong to the local YMCA. A family membership is very inexpensive and gives you privilege to so much, including a wonderful indoor pool facility.
If you do not have a YMCA in your area you may want to check out
another local fitness center. Call and ask for a tour. Inquire about a
free two week trial.
~ Go ice skating- I am looking forward to when Rosie and Jewel are old enough for this
~ Go roller skating instead of ice skating and stay warm
~ Check to see if your area has a local bounce house. Rosie and her friend love the one near us! It is cheap, fun, and really keeps the kids moving!
~ Visit the aquarium, Science Center, museums or other fun indoor places that might be near you and allow for walking/movement
~ Go bowling- I can't wait to take Rosie and Jewel bowling. Jewel is a little young to play but I know she will still have fun running around the facility.
~ Hit up a fast food play area- you
know, the ones with the tunnels and sliding board. If you eat there be
sure to order healthy or maybe have just a treat or snack.
~ Sign your little ones up for a fun indoor activity like gymnastics, swim lessons, dance, indoor soccer, or martial arts just to name a few.
Outdoor Winter Activities- for those warmer Winter days or for when you have it in you to bear the cold
~ Head to the zoo- vising the zoo during the Winter is a great way to teach children about habitat, hibernation, and seasonal changes.
~ Go on a Winter hike
~ Chase bubbles- if it is cold enough, they will freeze
~ Hit the play ground-
yes, it might be cold but once your little ones are running around they
won't care. Bring a cup of coffee along to keep you warm.
~ Go ice skating outdoors
~ Go geocaching
For when it snows- snow
is so FUN! I am not a fan of winter overall but I do love the snow!
There are so many fun ways to play and stay active too!
~ Build snow forts
~ Make a maze in the snow
~ Play Tic Tac Toe in the snow
~ Paint the snow- this is one of our favorite activities
~ Have a snowball fight
~ Have a Winter Treasure hunt like I village
~ Go sledding, skiing or snowboarding
~ Play freeze tag
~ Make snow angels
~ Make snow castles using buckets and shovels from the Summer months
~ Let them help you shovel the walk. They might not be much actual help but will find it fun and it will get
them moving!
~ Have a picnic in the snow- bundle up and bring hot chocolate, soup, hot sandwiches, and more.
~ Go hiking in the snow
~ Make cool critters like
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